ACAS Membership Form 2014-2015

Association of Concerned Africa Scholars (ACAS)

Membership Form 2014-2015

(ACAS will not share your personal information with any other organizations or persons)










Phone #:_____________________________________E-Mail:_________________________________________


Africa Activist Scholarly and Country Interests:___________________________________________




May we forward your scholarly and activist interests to the press as a contact?_______


Would you like to join an ACAS Task Force?


_________Militarization in Africa and AFRICOM

_________Food sovereignty

_________Land grabs



Please identify other ways you might like to be involved in ACAS:


_________Write an article in the ACAS Bulletin about__________________

_________Serve on the ACAS Board of Directors


ACAS Membership Status:


New member:______________                     Renewal:___________________


Current ASA Member: Yes:_______       No:_______


Membership Fee: $10.00 per year (September-August)


Please return with a check payable to:

Association of Concerned Africa Scholars” (not tax deductable)


Mail to: Michael Walker, ACAS Treasurer

538 Pacific Street, Apt 5-6

Brooklyn, NY 11217-2280