Still Missing: Leading Zimbabwe Human Rights Activist Abducted

Take Action! Phone the Embassy of Zimbabwe!

Dear Friend,

Africa Action is concerned about the whereabouts of Justina Mukoko, a prominent civil socity leader in Zimbabwe, reportedly missing for over forty-eight hours. As the Director of the Zimbabwe Peace Project, Jestina has been instrumental in keeping the world informed of human rights abuses in Zimbabwe.

We must all denounce this attempt to silence this heroine of Zimbabwe’s struggle for democracy and demand that she be released immediately and returned to her family unharmed.


The abduction of Jestina Mukoko follows a protest organized by the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) that was brutally crushed by police. Over seventy workers were arrested throughout Zimbabwe and many more were severely beaten by anti-riot police, including ZCTU Secretary General, Wellington Chibhebhe. Jestina’s abduction follows a clear pattern consistent with previous abductions by government agents, particularly the Central Intelligence Organization.

TAKE ACTION: Africa Action urges the international community to call for the immediate release of Jestina Mukoko.

To support the call to release Jestina Mukoko, phone the Embassy of Zimbabwe in the U.S. at 202-332-7100 with the following message:

“Hi. I am calling with a message for the Government of Zimbabwe. I am very concerned about the recent whereabouts and safety of Jestina Mukoko, Executive Director of the Zimbabwe Peace Project. As you should know, she has been missing now for over forty-eight hours. I urge the Government of Zimbabwe to take every step to ensure the safe and secure return to her family immediately.”

Visit to learn more about the crisis in Zimbabwe, and read Africa Action’s report, A Dream Deferred – the 2008 Zimbabwe Elections.

In solidarity,

The Staff @ Africa Action